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Disseminating your research works globally, through open-access.

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About Us

Officially established in 2016, we are an open-access publisher, registered and based in the UK, with a branch office in Malaysia. Our publications adhere strictly to international publishing norms and ethical guidelines, to ensure and assure only original and quality works are published. Our focus is on helping particularly Asian, together with the  African and Arabian scholars to disseminate their original social sciences research works (including on behavioural science, environmental psychology, and Quality of Life) globally, through publishing quality open-access academic journals and conference proceedings and indexing them in global databases. All our journals ISSN are obtained from the British Library, UK.

Forthcoming Publications


Vol. 10 No. 31 (2025): Jan. AicQoL2025Pangkor, 17-18 Jan 2025


Abstract, Jan. AicQoL2025Pangkor, 17-18 Jan 2025

“…It  was  South  East  Asia  that  made  me  into  an environmental psychologist, making me aware  of  the  importance  of  the physical  environment  in  explaining  behaviour.”
Emeritus Professor Christopher Peter Spencer, co-founder, Journal of Environmental Psychology.

“…there is still a need for more outlets for the  interesting  and  important  research  that  is  currently  being  undertaken  in environment-behaviour relationships in general and in particular, which involves Asians not only in Asia but also those living in non-Asian countries with a focus on the non-spatial context.”
“If we are to take the view that environmental behaviour research should become more inclusive and integrative, then it cannot afford to exclude two-thirds of the world’s population.”
Professor David L. Uzzell, Past-President, International Association for People-Environment Studies (IAPS).